Doctor DIMITRA CHARALAMPOPOULOU informs you about the processing of your personal data.
1. According to article 14 of Law 3418/2005 (Code of Medical Ethics) it is mandatory to keep a medical record, which records the following:
Name, patronymic, sex, age, profession, patient's address, dates of visit, health problems, reason for visit, primary and secondary diagnosis or treatment followed, results of clinical and outpatient examinations. This record is kept, according to the law for a period of 10 years after the last visit.
2. The doctor observes the necessary security measures to protect your personal data.
3. As a patient regarding your personal data, you have the following rights:
When you submit a request exercising any of the above rights, the doctor must respond to you within 1 month either by satisfying the right (eg by giving you a copy of your medical record) or by reasonably rejecting your request (eg refusing a request for deletion, due to the fact that the law obliges the doctor to keep it for 10 years) or explaining the reasons for the delay. In any case of delay, however, the doctor must respond positively or negatively within 3 months of the request.